God is Good

 God doesn't choose the way we choose.

We look on the outside.

The size, the talent, the personality.

God looks at the heart.

People may have counted you out, but God has already counted you in.

He overrides what people say.

He overrides the injustice.

" Well, I'm in an unfair situation, but nothing is changing" ITS NOT OVER YET.


Your time is coming.

Like with David, you're going to be called into the house.

God has not forgotten about you.

What he's promised is still on the way.

Bad breaks didn't stop it.

People didn't cancel it.

Delays doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

What God started; he's going to finish.

He has the final say now.

Don't go around talking about how it's not going to happen, this illness is going to be the end of, and I'll never accomplish my dreams.

You know what you're doing?

You're putting your circumstances on the throne.

You're saying they have the final say.

They control my destiny.

You need to take the problem off the throne and put God back on the throne.


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