Steady in The Storm (part 1)

" But as they sailed, he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water and were in jeopardy. (LUKE 8:23)

 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose and rebuked the wind and raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. (LUKE 8:24)

 And he said unto them, where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying on to another, what manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him (LUKE 8:25)

And they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is over against Galilee. (LUKE 8:26)."

Anybody can be steady when there is no storm.

The Lord spoke to me to share with you about being steady not hysterical, not frantic, not anxious but steady in the storm. 

Looks bad, it looks tough but remain steady.

You are closer to there than you have ever been before. And in order to get there you must be steady in the storm. The true skills set of a leader is to be steady in the storm. 

 **Lord may the person that's reading this know that even when everything is rocking and going crazy that they have you, and you are speaking to them to be steady when everything around them is going wild, penetrate every natural propensity to panic. And anoint them with steadiness, tranquility, even rest, even sleep, let them be steady in the storm, In Jesus Name Amen. **

The problem is most things start out calm, the disciples oversea with Jesus started out calm. Jesus gave them one command "Let us cross over to the other side" 

But God is not big on details, he tells you "We going to the other side" he does not tell you what's going to happen on the way there.  

And the reality of the thing is there will be things that will scare the living day lights out of you on the way. It's not the take-off that you have to be concerned about because most things take off good, most marriages take off good, most business ventures take off good. It's the things that happen in the middle that are the most disruptive, it's the things that challenge your ability to be steady. It's easy to say why can't I just get to avoid the disruptiveness in the middle and just get there but remember all the things you could miss learning whilst going through that storm. There are things only the storm can teach you. 

I can tell you all day long about grief but when it happens to somebody you love it's a different thing, most of the time our trauma triggers other traumas and our reaction to the trauma is compounded by the other that happened along the way. And there you in a crisis, in a storm and you trying to get to the other side. 

I don't know about you but I'm trying to get there, wherever there is, wherever God has predestined for me to go. 

I want you to know that God has determined the end from the very beginning. 

God knew where he wanted you to go before, he formed you in the womb. He predestined for you to go to a place but in the process of getting there storms arise. 

You find out who you got by your side in the storms. You start seeing who people really are when they are inconvenienced. 


There is nobody you going to meet or fall in love with or even fall out of love with that can avoid the fact that storms are built into Gods plan for getting you to the other side. You have to be confident and know that He equipped you with a life raft, a fire extinguisher and an emergency exit so that even when you can't see him, you can hear him and if you follow his voice you will get to the other side.


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