If You Only Knew

We all go through disappointments in life and things we don't understand. Sometimes we make mistake and bring trouble to ourselves, it's easy to get discouraged and lose our passion but God won't allow anything to happen that will keep you from your destiny. He has already taken into account every bad break, every person that walked away, every mistake. What we can't see is how his working behind the scenes. Sometimes he has to close a door so he can open a bigger door. God will move a person out of your life because they are limiting your growth. What looks like a disappointment is really the hand of God ordering your steps, it doesn't make sense now but down the road you'll see how if that door hadn't had closed, you wouldn't have met that person that introduced you to a friend that had an opportunity that took you to a new level. If you only knew what God was up to you wouldn't live upset. If you only knew how his going to connect the dots in y...